Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

See Wayne's new calendar of events for upcoming keynotes, retreats and workshops open to the public.


"Another quiet gift we bring is the gift of simply doing no harm: to refrain from judging ourselves and others, not to use sarcasm or anger to advance our cause, not to be hurtful in our speech or our actions. If we simply refrain from causing suffering, then the limitless potential for natural healing can quietly arise unimpeded."

Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

A New Resolution: Do the Next, Right Thing


Liberating our Natural Generosity
(Unity Magazine 7/2003)

Whatever Happened to Sunday
(USA Weekend 4/99)


Articles featured in Forbes:

Time, Priceless Time

The Real Julilee

Gross Domestic Nonsense

From Data to Wisdom

Book Excerpts:

Finding Enough by Following the Thread
(from A Life if Being, Having and Doing Enough)