Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

See Wayne's new calendar of events for upcoming keynotes, retreats and workshops open to the public.


"Some of us wish to wait till our gift is potent and comprehensive enough to solve all the world’s problems. Seeing that our gift does not stop all the suffering, we decide it is inadequate. But every gift is a drop of water on a stone; every kindness, every flash of color or melody helps us remain hopeful and in balance. Each of us knows some part of the secret, and each of us holds our small portion of the light. We can thrive on the earth only if we each bring what we have and offer it at the family table."

Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

About Wayne Muller

_DSC0024.jpgWayne Muller is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, he has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness and loss.

Wayne works with a few select, committed individuals and small groups as a private mentor, helping those facing change or transition in their life or work, and helping clarify their inner sense of meaning and purpose. Wayne shares his time, care and attention to find together any emerging threads that can guide them safely to their new, evolving destiny.

In addition to collaborating with individuals in significant life changes, Wayne consults with numerous community organizations, educational institutions and healthcare corporations. He is the founder of Bread for the Journey – a network of ordinary people who engage in grassroots, neighborhood philanthropy through micro-grants. He has served as Senior Scholar at the Fetzer Institute, is an Extended Faculty at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and has received numerous awards for his work with those in need.

Wayne is available as a keynote speaker for particular organizations and corporations seeking to deepen, support, and clarify their work and mission.

Wayne lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Wayne Muller gently moved me beyond the seductive worries of Why me? He helped me look through my wounds as a window, opening to a new vision of who I am - and where I am now being called to go.” 
     — HENRI NOUWEN, Pastor, Daybreak Community, Toronto; author of "The Wounded Healer."

Below: Wayne Muller receiving the Institute of Noetic Science’s Temple Award for Creative Altruism